Friday, October 31, 2014

Eye sparkling fountain 

Eye sparkling fountain is a building stone monument, considered one of the most important in Algeria Setif city landmarks, the fountain was built in 1898 by French sculptor Francis de Saint - Vidal 

The reason for its creation 

And, the reason for its creation back in the old center of the city to the French ruling that bothered him the presence of worshipers for ablutions in that place in the morning for the dawn prayer. And that its presence near the old mosque, the idea of ​​suddenness statue put modesty to prevent worshipers from being in that place morning 


The irony of the Statue «Eye Alforah» indeed the heart of the city «Setif» capital high plateaus away from the capital Algiers, about 300 km to the east, that the statue, which has been raking the modesty of passes in front of him, and avoid walking near him conservative families, and avoided girls and young women, prevention of youth messages standing on the side of the place, practiced on each of the drink from its source, which sits above the nude woman with blond hair flowing over her shoulders as flowing fresh from the natural element of water, what it's like magic that makes the drinker water eye effervescent fine place goes back again and again to him and to Sultanth had tourists, remained magic practiced by the «eye effervescent» on Atshaha, close to the tales exoticism woven of legends Greeks and Romans, as under the chest and the deficit in each poetic verses that dealt with the statue «sedition» sing magic water eye sparkling, and forget about it with him all the moral embarrassment caused the place to his family and loved ones of those who meant and friends from inside and outside Algeria


djmila or Koicol Roman amphitheater is located in north-eastern Algeria. Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage sites. Beautiful city informed the cities of Numidia signify the past, a city located in the country's rugged and barren, was covered in the past, forests and wheat spikes. It was founded in the late first century, and reached its zenith during the reign of the family Alantonan, and visualize the effects city neighborhoods well-coordinated, and its streets are fraught Balertgh, and where there are Sahtan Amomcitan first surrounded Eabitol hall of the Municipal Council and the Court Meeting and the Temple of Venus, and on the second temple built in honor of the family of Severus and triumphal arch Krakla and bathrooms where a lot of time and did not affect the market, and the elegant homes Almtervhh.


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