A recent study showed that travel helps people to live life and longer life
This was confirmed by a recent study conducted by the International Committee for the Center for the Study of Trans retirement, and Travel Association of America, which found that travel, especially for retirees, prevents them dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
According to the results of this study, women who receive a vacation every six years are more susceptible to heart attack or death compared with women who receive vacation at least twice a year.
Showed that men who did not take annual leave they have a higher risk by 20 percent the risk of death and the largest 30 percent of death from heart disease.
The study also showed that travel improves mood, and found that 86 percent of those who travel have expressed satisfaction with their view of life, this compared with 75 percent of those who do not travel.
And review this video expert opinion about travel and great impact on human health, especially of the elderly, as well as being a key factor in achieving happiness and fun, says experts that regular flights will contribute to awaken and stimulate the mind as well as the introduction of joy to the soul, and that would also raise the morale of the person and protect him from many diseases.
What are you waiting. Try to reserve a trip, regardless of age, to break your daily routine .. the matter is good for your health.
Travel prolongs life and protects against Alzheimer's
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